Pre-Launch Checklist for Your Conversational Marketing Campaign
After creating your conversational marketing campaign, review the key steps to ensure your campaign is ready to engage your audience.
1. Identify Your Key Metric(s)
- What is the goal of this campaign?
- How will you measure its success?
2. Review Content
- Check that all copy is correct and aligns with
- your key metric(s)
- your brand voice
- Proofread for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors
- Ensure all media is correct and reflect the campaign's theme
- Is this in an inbound (customer initiated) conversation? Make sure the trigger phrase is correct
3. Test Campaign Flow
- Verify that responses flow to the intended messages across all possible conversation paths
- Ensure all automated responses are created and triggered appropriately
- Linking out to any websites? Double check those URLs, the tracking, and any tracking strings (UTMs) are correct.
- Is it conversational? Are there areas you can make it easier to interact
4. Data Capture
- Confirm that key data points are being captured
- Verify that data is being saved to the correct attributes
- Test data collection points to ensure they're functioning properly
5. Segmentation (for Outbound Campaigns)